Monday, November 26, 2001
Getting Throne Price Out There
Pleased about the review, too. Decided to go to that Seattle con. Still interested? I must e-mail them. David M. has decided he'd rather go to Calgary one. It would double the cost for us, for him to come too. Also sent a book and T-Shirt off the ConJose in care of David-Glenn Anderson.

Bit worn out with the excitement of handing books around to possible reviewers and friends in the local press who have agreed to do interviews. (Not to mention broke!) Reactions were so great I think my expectations got a little overblown. I was disappointed (then worried) when the UNBC book store didn't sell out the day it put 10 pre-pub copies on the shelf. Which is silly since it isn't a Sci Fi venue, students are all broke and studying for exams, and most people who knew about TP and wanted a copy had ordered theirs online. Still 8 books left in the store but I'm okay now. :-)

Took me a day to realize my biggest problem was suffering writing withdrawl. Not even having the books on the shelf was as big a pleasure as that. Unfortuantely I was backlogged with work and couldn't get to my den. Party Saturday night, which was great, but I was tired. Had to take the two youngest to Harry Potter Sunday p.m. Then stayed up until 3 a.m. Monday catching up some work at UNBC, my course and one in development, which was also dumb because I crashed in the afternoon the next day and am now home recouperating. Not as young as I was when I could program all night and start over the next day. Or maybe it was just my ID out to make me take an afternoon off despite everything. Trouble is I work really well in the wee-small hours of the morning when there is NO ONE around to interrupt me except the occational security guard. It's a pleasure working on web courses then. Sort of fun even.

Domestic front
It is very cool to watch David M. sitting on the couch caught up in finishing Throne Price. He gets huffy when I stand over him watching him read, or trill at him from a door jam. He looks up as if he was reading any of the books I've seen him bent on finishing despite family distractions, sees me beaming at him, and grumps "oh, that" at me, then reads on. Very pesky thing to have an author underfoot.

The neatest thing, of course, is that he knows the story inside out. He helped proof read it! But he still enjoyed reading it through again, found the end exciting and chuckled over the fountain dunking.

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