Tuesday, November 13, 2001
Tossing Their Cookies
We have arrived at an accommodation, the Blogger site and I. It seems that although it will not let me made an accept/reject decision on each cookie, it will let me make an accept/reject decision on the site as a whole. I can live with that. Now to try it on Network54. I have determined my inability to post using Netscape occurs when I have any setting other than "accept all cookies" unconditionally. Without reviewing them first. I gave up using my login to the community boards because one of the cookies contained the e-mail address I had registered with, so much for anonymity, and it wasn't worth it to sort through the barrage of seven to eleven cookies to log in to make sure that one didn't get placed (plus the ones from the advertisers. The ads may be gone, but the cookies continue). I've also wound up replacing my Internet Explorer. Got it - when I signed up with my last ISP. Finally realised that the reason I couldn't get at the cookie file - I knew it was meekly accepting everything because I never had any problems with the cookie pusher sites - was that the option of disabling them had been entirely removed. I'm sure for the convenience of the ISP. And for the people they sell ads to. There are times I have my doubts about encouraging people to use the Internet, since even supposedly respectable institutions exploit their trust and ignorance by leaving security loopholes, never mind the scammers, the spammers and the hackers. [So ends Growl #2 of the day. Growl #1 landed on the Community board, a two-barrel post on book-banning.]

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