Friday, December 07, 2001
Friday night
And for the second Friday night running I am doing webwork. The fruit of my efforts comes in the form of an update of my woefully neglected Calgary Coven page, and Rebecca's and Marie's pages. Including either fixing or removing links. I also added TP's first review to the Throne Price page on my own site. Have to check the Coven pages on a Windows machine to see how the colours look - I was consciously bleaching things out because, even although my Mac screen has been calibrated, I fear the gamma difference may be doing me in. The joy of cross-platform. The other joy of cross-platform is getting Netscape to center the backgrounds on my menus. Next time I feel like another round with CSS - or am feeling rich enough to contemplate buying the O'Reilly book on the subject, because that's what usually happens when I venture into that particular thicket - I will try to fix it. Again.

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