Wednesday, April 03, 2002
Backstory, with style
Apropos of all our bouts of wrestling with our characters' backstories, here's how SL Viehl dispatches four novels worth of backstory (Another character has just told her protagonist "It's a personal problem .... you wouldn't understand"):
Cherijo: "Squilyp, I'm a fugitive genetic construct on the run from basically everyone in the galaxy. My adopted family are lovely blue people who eviscerate anyone who threatens their relatives -- handy in my case, but often nerve wracking. My father was a monster, my genetic twin, and experimented on me for twenty-eight years. My alien-raised husband until recently had no human emotions, and you incubated my daughter in an artificial uterus." I laced my fingers together and rested them on my knee. "Believe me when I tell you, there is no personal problem I can't handle."

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