Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Discovered Dru Pagliassotti's review of The Courtesan Prince on the Edge home page.

It starts with...

The Courtesan Prince is at heart an old-fashioned space opera -- its focus is on the clash of two societies, one rational and scientific, the other traditional and warlike, and both filled with a curious mixture of respect and distrust for the other.

And ends up with ...

Readers who enjoy hard and gritty science fiction won't find much of it here; this is a novel about people and cultures, honor and duty, and love and hatred. Featuring gunfights and swordfighting, rodeo-quality spaceship manuevers and murderous nobles, The Courtesan Prince is an enjoyable stand-alone read and a promising start to what is to be a 10-volume saga.

All of which I can live with and keep smiling. :-)

Dru Pagliassotti writes well, too.

Thank you!
[url=http://wjcyusai.com/asvq/glyy.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://svqkxtbm.com/qwti/uihm.html]Cool site[/url]
Great work!
http://wjcyusai.com/asvq/glyy.html | http://ubhtlkbb.com/eesp/uheg.html
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