Sunday, June 24, 2007
Di Mon entry as sample of ORU Concordance progress Just posted the text of this entry, by Alison, to the First Expansion list of creatives who support and contribute to the ORU. The concordance is coming along. Alison is doing her best to convince me to move the whole ORU website (long acknowledged to be a messy attic trunk of stuff) into a tidier, more modern web presence. Stuff she and I have been doing with the Concordance, on tiddlywiki, is encouraging me to face the prospect of the Big Overhaul. Still makes me hyperventilate a bit, though. Guess I'm the Silver Demish traditionalist here, to her Nersallian "but it will work so much better if ..." We'll keep you posted. :-) The concordance-in-progress can be found at . If you know the ORU well enough to help us populate the concordance, by all means get in touch!

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