Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Righteous Anger Review by Dru Pagliassotti on The Harrow
Review of Righteous Anger on The Harrow by Dru Pagliassotti calls Righteous Anger "a strong, highly readable installment to this ambitious and far-reaching space opera." Much joy! It also says: "One can only hope that book three, the last one needed to bridge the gap between publications, will not take another leap back in time, but will close the timeline and advance the plot." Gulp. Much trepidation.

Because there is some overlap in Pretenders, timewise, with Righteous Anger. Keeping my fingers crossed that it won't prove to be too much. And Pretenders does fill the bill of setting things up the way they stay - more or less - until Throne Price. After Pretenders it is linear, promise, except for the rare-and-well-motivated flashback, very sparingly employed! There are three movements in the symphony of the saga. The first plays out in Courtesan Prince, Righteous Anger and Pretenders and is centered on the chaos stirred up by events in Courtesan Prince. The next three books, starting with Throne Price, deal with Erien and Amel finding their feet as the "ones in charge". The next book, Healer's Sword, stands alone as a view of the new elite from the perspective of a struggling nobleborn empowered, and threatned, by new opportunities. The final three books are the Okal Rel take on the classic big finale, in which first one and then the second of the lurking threats blustered about by one set of characters or another throughout the whole series, are taken on.

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