Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Saturday Reading May 30 2009
Reading at the Lott Residence May 30, 2009
Michelle Milburn's new look for the Okal Rel Universe website is featured in the centre of this collage of beautiful moments from the reading at the Lott residence last Saturday, May 30, 2009. I love the snuggle picture with David and Angela. Tegan is pictured being distracted by our cat, Honey. Krysia came out looking radiant in the pose she intended as a joke! With the light from the window behind her she actually almost glows! The crepes finally made it into a Saturday morning picture this time. Holly evaded capture by taking the pictures. Nice shots! And, although it isn't related to what we read on Saturday, I've enjoyed hearing Angela and Catherine's impressions of Throne Price as they make their way through it. Catherine is nearing the end. Angie finished reading it (for the second time) a few days ago. I'm still queasy about Throne Price sometimes, having never expected a young readership, but I continue to be surprised and gratified by the intelligence teenagers bring to analyzing the disturbing aspects of that book. I take full responsibility for the 'disturbing' part, of course. But it was motivated by a desire to underscore how unacceptable abusive behavior always is, no matter who is guilty of it or with what excuse.


Love the new look, lynda! :)
Yes, many thanks to Michelle. She and David were able to implement her new design without losing the stuff behind the homepage. Sorting all of it out would have taken too long, and I wasn't willing to lose it, either. :-)
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